World Wide Web

  • Identify an Internet Service Provider and ways to connect to the Internet.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of browsers and identify commonly used browsers.
  • Identify a website.
  • Identify a homepage.
  • Identify common domain types.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of ways to increase Internet safety for children.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of antivirus software.
  • Avoid providing financial information unless on a secured website.
  • Correctly enter a security code.
  • Fill out an online form.
  • Identify the address bar and enter a URL address.
  • Identify browser toolbar buttons and use them correctly.
  • Identify search engines and enter search terms into the search engine.
  • Use scroll bars.
  • Use a hyperlink to access other webpages.
  • Create a new tab, open a webpage in a tab, and move between tabs.
  • Identify a popup window and close it.
  • Enable an individual pop up window.


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