
  • Define email.
  • Tell the difference between a URL and an email address.
  • Register for a new email account.
  • Log into email.
  • Address an email and create an email message. Then, Send an email.
  • Open an email and reply to all.
  • Forward an email.
  • Add an attachment to an email.
  • Open an attachment in an email.
  • Delete an email and retrieve an email from the trash.
  • Understand basics of email etiquette.
  • Use caution when opening an email from an unfamiliar source.
  • Avoid giving out personal information to unfamiliar people.
  • Identify and delete junk mail, including spam.
  • Be selective and cautious about forwarding email to large groups of people.
  • Sign out of email.
  • Define computer virus.

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